line symbol中文什么意思

发音:   用"line symbol"造句
  • line:    vt. 交尾。
  • symbol:    n. 1.记号,符号。 2.象征,表 ...
  • code line symbol:    管内输送物代号
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  1. Some effective algorithms are presented : line algorithms is the basic theories for the realization of line symbol
  2. Abstract : based on the distance transformation of catographic algebra , the common objecting method of line symbols is proposed , which is based on the ridge map . satisfactory result was achieved
  3. Based on the analysis on some classical line algorithms , the author puts forward some new line algorithms , which get results faster . and those algorithms can deal with different lines , which differ in type and width . all of these provide the key technique for the realization of line symbol


  1. line switch shelf 什么意思
  2. line switching 什么意思
  3. line switching concentrator 什么意思
  4. line switching power supplies 什么意思
  5. line switching technique 什么意思
  6. line symbologics 什么意思
  7. line symbols method 什么意思
  8. line symmetric graph 什么意思
  9. line symmetry 什么意思
  10. line sync pulse 什么意思


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